35 minutes or less muscle-toning workouts—planned, programmed, and designed exclusively for the needs of brides—and nutrition support for brides who want to feel as beautiful as they look on their ❤️-filled day.

The Signature Workout Wedding Program


Bridal Body Fitness

Walking down the aisle with complete self-confidence,
hearing awed whispers of, “WOW! She looks phenomenal!”...
seeing your partner with tears of joy…
and feeling your best ever because you took a leap of faith in yourself.

Imagine Yourself...

You KNOW all eyes will be on you—from family members and friends to people you’ve never met before. 

Hundreds of pictures will be taken and posted on the walls of homes—and all over social media.

And years later, at your in-law's for Thanksgiving dinner, you’re walking through the family room with your nieces, looking at the photos on the wall. You get to the "wedding section" and hear your eldest niece exclaim,

And in that moment, you mentally give your past self a hug and think, “I am who I am today because of the choices I was making then. Thank you, past self! It was so worth it!”

 "Wow! You looked amazing!"

This matters to you because...

This matters to you because…

This is what you head-to-toe, heart and soul deserve…

You deserve to walk down the aisle knowing the dress you really wanted—the snugly fit one that shows your toned shoulders and arms—fits like a glove.

To take your place, front and center, in every wedding photo and video knowing that wherever the pictures show up, you’ll look amazing.

To have the energy to dance through your favorite song—and the next 20 songs if you wanted—and still have energy to spare when you’re finally alone with your spouse.

There shouldn’t even be a whisper of a cloud hanging over your head on your special day.




The best time for your new beginning is now.

Leverages traditional strength training for powerful workouts that can be done with dumbbells and a minimum of 6 square feet of space.

Designed to be efficient AND effective so you achieve your wedding fitness goals sooner with workouts that are 35 minutes or less.

Focuses on you—the bride—at its core so you feel stronger, more confident, and your best on your wedding day.  

You know that feeling and looking your best on your wedding day matters to you.

You know it matters because it’s hijacking your thoughts.
You’re reminded whenever you’re trying on clothes. Or passing by a mirror. Or counting down the days to your wedding.
But achieving your wedding day fitness goals depends on taking a step-by-step approach that…

Let me tell you what this is all about…

Hi, I’m Stephanie Thomas, Founder of Stephanie Thomas Fitness.
During my teenage years, although I was Miss Maryland Teen USA, I came to realize that what made me an “acceptable” candidate was so very flawed.
The constant scrutiny and pressure to achieve an even thinner figure and the continuous consideration of—what someone else believed were—flaws in me brought an unbearable mental strain. I began to feel insecure and highly uncomfortable in my own skin.

This experience lit a fire for helping other women sculpt a body that makes them feel strong, confident, and beautiful without pressure and criticism during their journey.

I believe you can be body positive AND have physical fitness goals.

I believe loving yourself means doing things that are better for you in the short and long-term. You can be body positive AND have physical fitness goals.

After years of studying nutrition and fitness and working with women since 2014, I designed a fitness program that helps brides transform their bodies so they feel confidently beautiful on their wedding day—while encompassing compassion for self and support through their fitness journey.

(And I understand the busy-ness of wedding planning!)

Love your body & reach your goals!

"Being in Steph's program meant I started to love my new body for what I realized it was capable of doing!

I loved knowing that there is a community of brides who are in the same boat as me. It was very encouraging. It is really nice to have a set routine versus wondering what you are going to target that day. The program makes it very easy to hit necessary areas without you even needing to put any thought into it. I also love that so long as you have a few dumbbells, you can do every workout from home. It is not just about the workouts, but about having the encouragement along the way to stay motivated."

Go for it!

Katerina V.

"If you’re considering a wedding fitness program, I say go for it!!

I have an incredibly busy and stressful job and was struggling with weight loss and physical/mental health. I was also low on energy from the restrictive diets I'd been on. Thanks to the program, I am stronger and more motivated to achieve my health and fitness goals!
Stephanie helped me learn it's ok to eat fruits and healthy carbs and the foods I actually like!
She is kind, supportive, and also so realistic and down to earth! She never made me feel bad for missing a workout. Instead, she gently motivated me to get back at it and then celebrated me when I did! I'm excited to reach my goals and am definitely continuing the Bridal Body Fitness program until my wedding day!"

Caitlin k. 

"Prior to starting my program, I was defeated and unmotivated. I was scared to fail and scared it would be too hard.

But I’m so glad I reached out to Stephanie for help! I have more motivation now and I feel so much better about myself. I would tell a bride-to-be to just DO IT! Stephanie is extremely knowledgeable, super supportive, and understanding."

Jamie k.

Hear from Brides Who Are Crushing Their Wedding Fitness Goals

"When I met Stephanie, I was looking to find a way to incorporate fitness into my life. 

As a mother of two toddlers and being overweight my entire life, I knew it was time to make a change to improve my life and to make a positive impact on my children. I was looking for a fitness guide that would be easy to follow and could be completed at home to fit into my busy schedule. Before this fitness program, i felt tired and unmotivated. This challenge has made me feel better about myself and more comfortable in my own skin. It’s so easy to follow and makes me look forward to exercising! I love all the tips Stephanie includes to make this program work for me. I still have a ways to go in my weight loss journey, but this program has helped me get started. I really look forward to following this plan every day! It has also impacted my entire family because we take the time to complete this program together."

Megan H. 

"I’m very proud of myself for following the program and getting stronger.

I’ve lost 15 lbs while working with Stephanie! I’m way more active and more comfortable in my clothes. Just do it, it’s so worth it!"

Tessa f.

"I used to feel unhappy, unfit, unmotivated. Working with Steph was the best decision..

now I have a positive mindset and I’m taking small steps and gaining confidence! I’m continuing to keep the weight off even after my wedding.
Initially I was on the fence because I wanted to work with someone face-to-face but I was so happy to realize the accountability was still there even though it was online! I loved the flexibility of completing the workouts on my own time.
Book a call and give it a shot - you won't regret it!! Brides especially!!"

Rebecca K. 

"I’m amazed at how quickly I built core strength!

Before this program, I could barely plank for 10 seconds. Now I can for a good 60 seconds! I’ve also toned up so much that people have commented on how good I’m looking!”

Jayme P.

I'm continuing to keep the weight off

It's so worth it!

"It's been a long time since I've felt in harmony with my body.

I wanted to find a way to get my body to a place that I'm comfortable with and I wasn't sure where to start. 

I’ve been loving seeing the little changes week after week. 
Now I can hold a plank for over a minute, my calves look INSANE, I have more energy, I'm sleeping so much better,  my posture has improved, I'm going on more walks, I'm eating more balanced meals, I'm noticing muscle all over.  

The nutrition aspect of the program is one of my favorite parts. 
I love trying out the recipes. So many have made it into my weekly meal rotation! 

To brides who are considering this program, I say do it, Stephanie's program is the most sustainable workout program I've ever done."

Sarah P.

I'm feeling confident again!

The powerful fitness program that’s geared exclusively for brides who want to confidently wear their YES DRESS—without expensive equipment, prior exercise experience, or excessive amounts of time.

Bridal Body Fitness



Love to plan your week?
This is perfect for the bride who wants to:
  • See a schedule of workouts for each day of the week
  • See how long each workout will take so they can block time on their calendar  
  • Track progress—from finished workouts to weight loss goals
Missed a workout? No problem. You can access past workouts.

Prefer to do Wednesday’s workout on Monday? Go for it!

Let me show you what’s inside…


Take the guesswork out of exercising. This program is designed to get you the best results in less time.
Every day you’ll be prompted so the only thing you need to worry about is putting on your workout shoes and hitting “START”! 

See what other brides are accomplishing in your own Sweating for the Wedding Bridal Group. Love a little friendly competition? Try challenging yourself to keep up with a member of your group. 

Have a calorie goal, want to track your fat protein or carbs, or eat more veggies? Simply message Steph any habits you want to work on. You'll set a goal together and it’ll be added to your daily list to keep you accountable.


This isn’t a follow-along-with-a-video kind of format. No struggling at a pace set by a person on the screen.

Instead, you can…

  • Crank up your favorite playlist.
  • Catch up on the latest season of The Bachelor.
  • Or workout in silence.

All while going at your own pace.

The Bridal Body Fitness program is strategically created for beginners to seasoned brides to get results faster, with minimal equipment, and in less time.

With two days of upper body, two days of lower body, a day of core and conditioning, plus additional optional abs, you’ll be hitting every part of your body so you can achieve your toned everything.

  • Estimated duration so you can plan accordingly 
  • Recommended equipment so you have all your workout stuff ready to go
  • Video demonstration of each exercise so you know exactly how to perform the exercise with proper technique
  • Suggested sets and reps so you focus on execution
  • Stats on your previous week’s workouts so you decide whether to maintain or challenge yourself
  • Complete your workout and message me on the app telling me how it went

Plus, you’ll be motivated to keep going as you mark each rep completed…as if it’s workout candy.
Flaunt your toned muscles, beautiful bride!  

With each workout you get:


When it comes to tracking your progress, you decide what’s important to you. There are options galore to choose from, like:
  • Sleep
  • Caloric Intake
  • Body Weight
  • Body Fat
  • Lean Body Mass
  • Progress Photos
Plus, connect the app to your Apple Health, Withings, or Fitbit account and start tracking things like steps and caloric burn. And before you know it, you’ll be doing your happy dance.
C’mon, bring on the confetti!


How often do you get credit for making a healthy choice?
But, in the Bridal Body Fitness program, you’ll earn badges every time you reach important milestones.
Go, #BBFBrides, GO!!


This program is like having a personal trainer in your back pocket.

Have questions about an exercise? or nutrition?
In a slump and need some motivation?
Or just wanna brag?

Hit me up with a message! I’m always cheering you on!


With every new training phase, you’ll get a variety of easy-to-make recipes suitable for any diet so you don’t have to carve time out of your busy schedule to find them.
You get to decide what you’ll eat. Simply choose the recipes you want to try, make it, and voila! Your taste buds will be satiated. Mmmmm…

This      for you if:

You want a strategic, efficient, and healthy plan to get in shape

You'd rather piece together pinterest and youtube workouts

You're short on time and need a convenient program with minimal equipment

YOu don't have access to/cannot purchase dumbbells and don't have at least 6 square feet of space to work out

You're looking for expert guidance and support from a certified personal trainer

It's probably         for you if...

YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO challenge yourself and stay consistent with a plan



Are you focused on your mid-section? Get additional ab-only workouts. 

Valued at $120

Going on vacation and don’t want to lose momentum? Get two weeks of vacation workouts with resistance bands.

Valued at $350

Express workouts of 20 minutes or less when you’re short on time.

Valued at $175


Other online bridal fitness programs often run upwards of $600 for 90 days. However, when you enroll in Bridal Body Fitness, you’ll receive three months of online bridal workouts for as little as $297.

Get All Of The Above Plus These Bonuses:


My wedding isn’t for another year. Should I join now?

Yes. Or no. Let me explain. The bigger your fitness goals, the more time you’ll need to reach them. Brides who wait too long, or try to cram when their wedding date is close, get anxious and then don’t attain the fitness goals they were aiming for. Keep in mind that should you decide to join later, Bridal Body Fitness enrollment opens once per month, which leaves you less time to achieve the goals you want for your wedding.

Questions Other Brides Have Asked Before Saying 
YES to Bridal Body Fitness

How do I get access to the workouts?

After you purchase the program, you'll receive an email with a link to download the free STF (Stephanie Thomas Fitness) app. In the app is where you’ll find your weekly workouts, your bride group chat, progress tracking, and where you can message me your burning questions directly. You can complete the workouts whenever it’s best for your schedule.

What are the workouts like?

You’ll experience full body, fat-burning workouts, targeted strength training, and ab-focused routines to help you achieve your wedding fitness goals. They’re set up like a personalized training session and you’ll be able to track your progress. The app will tell you what to do each day and guide you through each step with video demonstrations and rep instructions. You simply select the workout you’ll do, hit START, and then do it! And every time you do, you’re one step closer to your wedding fitness goals. Cue the happy dance!

My life is already super busy. Do I have time for this?

The program is designed to fit into a tight schedule. The workouts are 5 minutes long up to 35 minutes long. You decide what you can accomplish each day and when, based on your schedule. The program is designed to be used at your own convenience and around your already busy lifestyle!

Do I need to purchase equipment to complete the program?

All the workouts are designed to be completed with weights.  What does that look like? When weights are needed, dumbbells are optimal. Don’t have them? Get creative by using soup cans or whatever other weights you have at your disposal. When there’s floor work and you don’t have a mat, use a carpet or rug. When you see me using a booty band and you don’t have one, do the exercise anyway—it’s still effective whether or not you use it.  You can still get a sweat going regardless of what you do (or don’t) use.

I want to do this with my bridal party. Is that possible?

Yes, Yes, YES! I LOVE having bridal parties do the Bridal Body Fitness program together because it’s even more motivating and FUN! To make this happen, each bridal party member purchases the program. Then, the bride will send a special request to including all the participants in her group, and we’ll create an exclusive bride accountability group just for you!

My question isn’t listed here. How can I get in contact with you?

If you need any additional information or have more questions, please email us at and we’ll respond to you within 24 hours. Prefer to give me a call? You can schedule a call with me by clicking here.

You’ve already started to make changes. 

Deep down, you know what you’re aiming for. 

You need accountability to keep going. 

You’re ready to let go of the past.

You’re an exercise beginner.

Still not sure?

You’re ready to feel confident and beautiful on your wedding day with Bridal Body Fitness IF…

You love the idea of working out using an app on your phone.

You’re ready to amaze your fiancé—and YOURSELF.

You’re looking to restart or try something new.

If you said I DO to at least 5 of the 8 points above, you’re ready for Bridal Body Fitness.

You’re already changing your eating, activity, or increasing your water intake—or all three! And you’re ready to make a deeper commitment because you’ve seen positive changes and want to keep the momentum going!

You know the fitness goals you want to achieve for your wedding. You can see it, smell it, taste it, and feel it like a fine wine.

You’re very comfortable working out. You’ve just gotten sidetracked or are looking for something more challenging. You want to achieve your wedding fitness goals faster without a big time commitment. 

You’re #TeamAccountability all the way! You want to show up and accomplish the things you said you'd do and just need an accountability buddy and coach to help you stay the course.

You get all goose-bumpily just thinking about how stunning you’ll look in your wedding dress and hearing your partner stumble over their words, “Oh…ah…WOW!”

And have NO CLUE what exercises will give you the quickest results or how to do them properly so you don’t hurt yourself—never mind creating a workout plan every week!

You’re Instagram app savvy and love using your phone. You’re ready to try a fitness app that tells you exactly what to do each day, shows you how to do each exercise, and keeps you accountable.

You might not have had the results with things you’ve tried in the past, but that’s not going to stop you. You understand that the past does not predict your future and you’re ready to create a new future for yourself. 

Let's do this!

“If you want a toned physique, but hate getting off the couch, these short and effective workouts will get you results! Best decision I ever made for my health!”

- Subhadra J.

The biggest difference between 
feeling confidently beautiful on your wedding day and procrastinating your next dressing-fitting appointment all comes down to WHAT YOU DECIDE TO DO NEXT.

you're in the right place.

  • If you’re delaying booking your next dress-fitting appointment…you need Bridal Body Fitness.
  • If you’re hiding your body under an oversized hoodie…you need Bridal Body Fitness.
  • If you’re not seeing results from Instagram and TikTok videos…you need Bridal Body Fitness.
  • If you have wedding fitness goals, but not a lot of time to work out…you need Bridal Body Fitness.
If you really just want someone to lay out a time-efficient, results-driven plan for you to follow that isn’t hyped up and unrealistic —you need Bridal Body Fitness.

If you’re still with me, there’s something inside you that wants to do this.
So let’s get real here.

If you’re ready, I’m EXCITED to have you join our bride community and make this the most rewarding and impactful program for your wedding fitness goals AND YOURSELF. 

They’ll continue to struggle with feeling self-conscious, playing the never-ending comparison game, and being hard on themselves:

Forgetting their own amazing potential, they’ll cement their “I can’t do it” thinking with relentless excuses to justify why they’re not taking action on something that is within their control to change.

Did you know that most brides reading this will “mull this over”, hit save on their browser, and then forget all about it until they start panicking because NOTHING’S CHANGED and THEIR WEDDING DATE IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER?

The sad truth…

They’ll continue to feel bad about themselves because they’ve let the self-doubt monster run rampant, feeding them lies like, “You don’t have it in you” and “You’ll always be this way. You can’t change that.”

When all’s said and done, and they’re looking back on photos from their special day, they’ll wish they would have taken a chance on themselves, conquered their insecurities, and shown themselves that they are capable of doing hard things.

But when you do something you didn’t think you could do, you realize you’re capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.
Really, this isn’t just about your wedding dress or your wedding day—or even your future spouse.
This is about you showing up for yourself…
and claiming your right to feel beautiful and confident in your own skin.

Show Yourself that You Can Do This—Just Like These Brides

Are you focused on your mid-section? Get additional ab-only workouts. 

Valued at $120

Going on vacation and don’t want to lose momentum? Get two weeks of vacation workouts with resistance bands.

Valued at $350

Express workouts of 20 minutes or less when you’re short on time.

Valued at $175


✓Daily inch-reducing, muscle-toning workouts designed exclusively for brides 

✓ Delicious weight-loss promoting recipe collections with each new training phase

✓ Track your progress and celebrate your wins

✓ Shame-free, compassionate environment

✓ 1:1 coaching from me—a certified personal trainer and health & nutrition coach

✓Daily inch-reducing, muscle-toning workouts designed exclusively for brides 
✓ Delicious weight-loss promoting recipe collections with each new training phase
✓ Track your progress and celebrate your wins
✓ Shame-free, compassionate environment
✓ 1:1 coaching from me—a certified personal trainer and health & nutrition coach

Plus These Bonuses:


Let's do this thing.


3 Months

3 months of muscle-toning workouts designed to help you achieve your goals faster

Access to me, your fitness and nutrition coach, to answer your burning questions and help you along the way

Nutrient-dense, weight-loss promoting recipe book with every training phase

PLUS 3 bonuses: ab-focused workouts, resistance bands vacation workouts, and express workouts when you're strapped for time

1 Installment of $297

6 Months

bride favorite!

12 Months

*Bridal Body Fitness enrollment opens only once per month.

Be kind to yourself—give yourself enough time to reach your wedding fitness goals. 

1 Installment of $495
(get 1 month free!)

1 Installment of $990
(get 2 months free!)

6 months of muscle-toning workouts designed to help you achieve your goals faster

Access to me, your fitness and nutrition coach, to answer your burning questions and help you along the way

Nutrient-dense, weight-loss promoting recipe book with every training phase

PLUS 3 bonuses: ab-focused workouts, resistance bands vacation workouts, and express workouts when you're strapped for time

12 months of muscle-toning workouts designed to help you achieve your goals faster

Access to me, your fitness and nutrition coach, to answer your burning questions and help you along the way

Nutrient-dense, weight-loss promoting recipe book with every training phase

PLUS 3 bonuses: ab-focused workouts, resistance bands vacation workouts, and express workouts when you're strapped for time

Other online bridal fitness programs often run upwards of $600 for 90 days. However, when you enroll in Bridal Body Fitness, you’ll receive three months of online bridal workouts for as little as $297.

Step 1

sign up for 3, 6, or 12 months.

Step 2

Download the STF app & Read your welcome email.

Step 3

Start reaching your fitness goals knowing you have a personal trainer by your side!

Getting started is simple.

Get started now