Sweet summertime is finally here, brides! (That is if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Sorry, my Australian friends!)
I know many of you are traveling this summer, either for your own wedding, wedding planning, or friends’ weddings! Preparing for your trip by packing the right products can make all the difference when it comes to staying organized, calm and on track with your wedding fitness goals—no matter what curveballs life throws at you.
So I wanted to share a roundup of some of my favorite summertime travel essentials. My summer vacations this year consist of a lot of camping trips and outdoor adventures, and the products below get packed every time I go on a trip! I’m pretty sure you’ll love them! 😉
Are you adding any of my favorite products to your packing list? If so, I want to know which ones you picked! Send me a message on IG 🙂
Achieve your body goals with one or all of these free bride training and wedding fitness resources
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