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Bridal Fitness: The Truth about the Journey

Hello, loves!

My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

Meet Steph


The Bridal Body Cookbook

The Bridal Arms Workout Guide

The Bridal Body Workout Guide

Embarking on a fitness journey, especially in preparation for a significant event like a wedding, can be a daunting task. There can be a lot of pressure to achieve immediate results, and this often leads to adopting unhealthy habits or expecting too much too soon. As a bridal fitness coach, I’ve seen this happen time and time again. It’s essential to set realistic expectations and understand what this journey entails. Let’s delve into what kind of mindset and commitment you need to have for this endeavor to be successful.

When I Might Not Be the Right Bridal Fitness Coach

It’s important to have a clear understanding of what my coaching philosophy is, and how it aligns with your expectations. Here are a few situations where I might not be the best fit as your bridal fitness coach:

Seeking Overnight Success

Fitness is not a journey of overnight success. It requires time, patience, and consistent effort. If you are expecting instant results, then my approach might not work for you.

Unwilling to Explore Self-love from the Inside Out

Part of the fitness journey is about self-love and acceptance. If you’re not open to exploring this side of the process, it might create a hurdle in your path to fitness.

Not Ready to Evaluate Your Movement, Diet, or Habits

If you’re looking to start a health journey but are unwilling to take a close look at your current lifestyle habits, then my coaching might not be the best fit. Lifestyle changes are critical to achieving lasting fitness.

Looking for Quick Fixes with Dramatic Habits

Quick fixes might provide temporary results, but they’re not sustainable in the long run. If you’re looking for dramatic habits to achieve rapid results, my coaching style might not align with your expectations.

Why I Could Be Your Ideal Bridal Fitness Coach

While it’s important to understand where our philosophies might not align, it’s equally crucial to understand how we could make a great team. Here are some scenarios where my coaching could be a perfect fit for your fitness journey:

Looking for a Lifestyle Change

If you’re seeking a lifestyle change that starts with your wedding but continues long after, then we’re on the same page. I believe in fostering habits that last a lifetime.

Value Mentorship and Professional Guidance

Understanding the value of mentorship and professional guidance is crucial. If you appreciate the role of a coach in your fitness journey, then we could work well together.

Willing to Trust the Process

Trust that small changes can bring about significant, long-term results. If you’re ready to have faith in the process, my coaching style aligns with your mindset.

Prepared to Love Yourself, at Any Shape or Size

Self-love is a critical part of the fitness journey. If you’re prepared to love yourself, regardless of your shape or size, then my coaching could be the perfect fit for you.

To find out more about my coaching style and philosophy, check out my about page. Remember, this journey is about you, and finding the right coach is the first step towards success.

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



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