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Things I’m Telling My Brides to Leave in 2023: Fitness Edition

Hello, loves!

My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

Meet Steph


The Bridal Body Cookbook

The Bridal Arms Workout Guide

The Bridal Body Workout Guide

As a bridal fitness coach, I have been privileged to walk alongside numerous brides as they journey towards their big day. From toning up to slimming down, the road to wedding fitness is always unique and personal. However, as we approach 2024, there are a few habits I’m encouraging my brides to leave behind.

Here are the four key things I’m telling my brides to leave in 2023:

Going At It Alone

No bride should have to navigate her wellness journey alone, especially when planning a wedding on top of it all! It can be overwhelming and stressful, and support can make all the difference. As your bridal fitness coach, I am here to support you in your wellness journey. Any change can bring challenges. However, you are not alone. Allow myself, or members of our online community, to offer support when you need it. It’s okay to ask for help.

Rushing to the Finish

It’s important not to rush the process. The last thing I want my brides to feel is that their wedding date is a looming deadline to meet drastic goals. No day is worth compromising your health and well-being — even your wedding. Trust the process of slow and steady habit changes for a wedding-day glow that will start from the inside out. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a fit and healthy body.

Being Hungry

The third habit to let go of is being hungry. Food is fuel for your body. If you don’t put gas in the tank of your car, what happens? It stops working! The same goes for you, brides! In 2024, let’s focus on foods that fuel us and let go of sacrificing meals for results that won’t last. Make sure you’re feeding your body with the right nutrients it needs to function optimally. Don’t starve, nourish!

Daily Weigh-Ins

And finally, it’s time to say goodbye to daily weigh-ins. There is a lot that goes into the weight of your body. Daily weigh-ins can wreak havoc on your mindset, keeping you focused on water-weight instead of your overall nutrition and health. In 2024, let’s set specific days of the week for your weigh-ins so you can be mindful in the process! Your worth is not determined by the number on a scale.

Looking for support in 2024?

If you’re a bride-to-be looking for fitness support in 2024, I invite you to follow Stephanie Thomas Fitness for free resources, support and bridal-specific fitness programs! We are all in this together and I’m here to help you achieve your wellness goals as you prepare for your big day. So, let’s make 2024 the year of health, wellness, and self-love!

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



Achieve your body goals with one or all of these free bride training and wedding fitness resources