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14 Ways to Enjoy More of Your Wedding Planning

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My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

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As a bridal personal trainer, I know firsthand how easy it is to get caught up in the chaos of wedding planning. But I also know that with a few simple adjustments, you can enjoy the process and feel confident walking down the aisle on your big day. Here are my top tips for stress-free wedding planning:

  1. Delegate, delegate, delegate! Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family. They will be more than happy to assist you and it will take a load off your shoulders. Plus, having extra hands on deck means things will get done faster and more efficiently.
  2. Focus on the experience, not the budget. Instead of stressing over what you can and can’t afford, think about how you want your guests to feel on your big day. Sometimes, less is more and you don’t need all the extra bells and whistles to make your wedding unforgettable.
  3. Keep all the essentials in one place. A wedding website is a great way to keep all your information in one place and reduce the number of questions you have to answer. Plus, an online gift registry is a huge time saver.
  4. Do your research on vendors. Hiring experienced vendors will take a lot of pressure off you and make the planning process a lot more enjoyable.
  5. Make self-care a priority. It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself when you’re in the thick of planning. But taking time for yourself, whether it’s a quiet dinner with your spouse or a relaxing bath, will help you feel more balanced and less overwhelmed.
  6. Make a master to-do list. Break down all the tasks that need to be done into manageable chunks. This will help you see what needs to be done and when, and will also help you prioritize.
  7. Prioritize fitness and healthy eating. As a bridal personal trainer, I can’t stress this enough. Not only will regular exercise and healthy eating help you look and feel your best on your big day, but it will also help you manage stress.
  8. Be open to new ideas. Be open to suggestions from friends, family, and vendors. They may have some great ideas that you hadn’t thought of before.
  9. Take breaks. It’s important to take a step back and take a break from the planning process. Go out and enjoy yourself, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a day out with friends. This will help you come back to the planning with fresh eyes and renewed energy.
  10. Don’t sweat the small stuff. There will inevitably be some things that don’t go according to plan on your big day. Remember that these small hiccups won’t matter in the grand scheme of things and try to focus on what really matters: marrying the love of your life.
  11. Create a vision board. A vision board is a great way to visualize what you want your wedding to look like. Gather pictures, colors, and ideas that you love and put them all together in one place. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your wedding is a reflection of your personal style.
  12. Plan a fun workout session with bridesmaids. Make it a fun bonding session, you can even make it a theme workout. This will be a great way to relieve stress and bond with your bridesmaids.
  13. Hire a wedding planner. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the planning process, consider hiring a wedding planner. They will take care of all the details and make sure that everything runs smoothly on your big day.
  14. Find a hobby. Find something that you enjoy doing, whether it’s reading, painting, or gardening, and make sure to carve out some time to do it. This will help you take your mind off the planning and give you a chance to relax.

Brides, I know wedding planning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! By incorporating some (or all!) of these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy the planning process and feel confident and ready on your big day. Remember, the most important thing is that you’re marrying the love of your life, so don’t let the planning take away from that. Now go out there and make your wedding planning journey an enjoyable one!

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



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