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3 Mistakes Keeping You from Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Hello, loves!

My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

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The Bridal Body Cookbook

The Bridal Arms Workout Guide

The Bridal Body Workout Guide

Have you ever put on your workout clothes only to somehow end up hanging out on the couch? I know that I have. Whether it’s trying to squeeze a workout into your busy schedule or battling exhaustion after a busy day, we all experience bumps in our fitness journey. But the thing is, just like your relationship with your fiancé, creating healthy lifestyle habits doesn’t happen in a day. It takes time and most importantly a commitment to giving it your best. While everyone has different obstacles holding them back here are three common fitness mistakes I see and how you can overcome them!

Waiting for the Right Moment

Let’s be honest, we all have that little voice inside our head telling us to “take the day off and just relax”. Taking days off is super important but take too many and suddenly getting back into it becomes harder than getting started. A good way to keep yourself accountable is to ask the question “Will I regret missing my workout today?”. Remember, consistency is key!

Pushing Past Your Limits

Like any good relationship, you need to create boundaries, this time with yourself! When you have a goal in mind it’s easy to get tunnel vision and start overdoing it. Challenging yourself to push your body is good, but only if it’s done responsibly. To avoid burnout and create a sustainable routine, I encourage starting with a simpler schedule and slowly picking up the pace as you grow stronger.

Being Scared of Failing

At one point or another everyone feels afraid of letting themselves down. The secret is not to aim to be “perfect” but to understand that we all make mistakes. If one day turns into two and then three and somehow, you’ve missed a week of workouts that’s okay. Instead of beating yourself over it, take small steps to get back on track. Beating yourself up won’t get you any closer to your goals! Create a schedule, get your workout clothes ready and hop on your online workout session with me.

What’s the biggest thing holding you back? Send me a DM on Instagram, and together we will make a plan to help meet your goals. Are you ready to start your fitness journey? Let’s get to work!

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



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