Essential oils are super popular right now, and there is a specific oil that I love using to reduce stress and help with falling asleep faster. Lavender is one of the many scents that actually helps to induce stress relief and can be found in many things from your favorite candles to hand soaps. But let’s say you’re using a diffuser at night with Lavender in it… game-changer!
Why Lavender?
There have actually been studies performed on this to showcase the impact that lavender can have on the body. Psychologists located at Wesleyan University in Connecticut studied 31 men and women who sniffed lavender essential oil one night and then distilled water the following night. After monitoring those sleep cycles, experts confirmed that the lavender helped to increase slow-wave sleep, which helps to slow the heartbeat and relax the muscles. They also reported feeling much more energized the following morning.
Holistic pharmacist Sherry Torkos is one of the big fans of essential oils and what lavender can do for anyone. “It offers calming and soothing properties that can help reduce stress,” she says. “It also serves as a great sleep aid for the whole family by helping you to fall asleep faster and enhance your quality of sleep during the night,” Torkos recommends investing in a high-quality essential oil that is 100% pure, natural, and undiluted.
As lavender continues to be a wonderful sleep aid, it also helps things like anxiety, which makes complete sense considering our anxiety levels can rise as our stress levels do. Rupinder Mangat, co-founder, and CEO, MEVEI, a New York-based company that produces natural essential oils, also cannot say enough good things about lavender in particular.
“There are probably as many uses for aromatherapy as there are essential oils, but research shows particular promise in their ability to relieve stress, stabilize your mood and improve sleep,” he says. “Lavender essential oil is one of the most studied in terms of its relaxation effects.”
The Bottom Line
If you’re struggling with getting to sleep after a super long workday because your mind just won’t shut off, maybe you can try lavender essential oil. Pair it with a smoothing sleep meditation, and you’ll be golden! Invest in your well-being and go holistic with some incredible, all-natural methods of the best relaxation – ever.
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