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Maintaining Your Muscle with These Holiday Workout Tips 

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My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

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The Bridal Body Workout Guide

When the holiday season approaches, many of us worry that we will fall out of our normal workout routines and eating habits. If we do, this can be disastrous for our muscle growth progress. Don’t worry, though, because I have created a complete holiday workout guide to help you maintain your muscle. 

Before we jump in, though, I want to let you know that it takes about 3 to 4 weeks of no weightlifting to notice your strength decreasing. So, even if you have a slight dip in your routine, you won’t lose large amounts of your progress. Now, let’s jump into my best holiday fitness tips! 

 Tip #1: Continue Eating a High Protein Diet 

 It is no secret that eating loads of protein combined with weightlifting exercises are one of the best ways to build and maintain muscle. So, if you are finding that you are slacking off a bit with your workouts during the holiday season, make sure to at least be eating a high-protein diet. 

Here are some examples of my favorite unique healthy holiday workout eats

  • Creamy mushrooms & chickpeas over mashed potatoes: You will love this one if you are a mashed potato fan! You will still get that delectable potato texture, but you will also get that bonus of protein from the chickpeas! 
  • Vibrant Winter Kale and Brussel Sprouts Salad: This salad is the perfect example of “eat your colors.” You will be hitting all of your nutrient goals with kale, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and cabbage. Now, add some chicken or salmon, and you have a balanced meal! 
  • Cranberry Chicken: Cranberry sauce, YUM! Definitely a holiday favorite, this cranberry chicken is seasonal and protein-packed! 

Tip #2: Do Home Holiday Workouts 

Completing your holiday fitness goals and maintaining your muscle mass may seem hard when your gym is shut down from snowstorms and public holidays. However, even if your gym is closed for the day, you can still work out at home. 

Developing a home workout routine can help you stay on track with your goals even on the days you can’t go to the gym (or simply can not GET yourself to the gym). Of course, finding a flawless routine for yourself may take a bit of time, and that is okay! Trial and error are the ONLY ways to know what will and will not work for you. 

Tip #3: Increase Your Omega-3 Levels 

Did you know that increasing the levels of Omega-3 in your body can help you build and maintain muscle mass? Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to increase protein synthesis, leading to an increase in muscle mass. 

So, what foods should you be eating to boost your Omega-3 levels? 

  • Fish (salmon, trout, etc) 
  • Leafy greens (spinach and Kale) 
  • Seeds and nuts 

The Take-Away  

My best advice for you is to try and enjoy the holiday season. No need to stress yourself out when you miss a workout or enjoy a bit too much holiday food. Try your best to maintain your holiday fitness goals, but don’t burn yourself. Remember, tis the season to spread peace and joy (that means towards yourself too!) 

Happy Holidays!

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



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