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The Secret to Making Habits Stick

Hello, loves!

My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

Meet Steph


The Bridal Body Cookbook

The Bridal Arms Workout Guide

The Bridal Body Workout Guide

With January just around the corner, have you started thinking about your New Year’s resolutions? Setting new goals is the easy part, the hard part is keeping them up. But why wait till January 1st to start changing your life when you can start now? I have the perfect list of simple tips that will help make your habits stick.

Be Honest with Yourself

Before setting any new goals, take a moment to ask yourself, “why do I slip up”? Digging a little deeper will not only give you a better understanding of where things went wrong but will also give you the tools to move forward past what’s holding you back.

Schedule It In

Write it down in your planner or set an alarm on your phone to help hold yourself responsible. When you wake up, you’ll know what you need to do and when it’s time to focus on getting things done – that includes your strength and cardio workouts with me!

Keep a Record

Tracking your goals and seeing the results of all your hard work is the perfect motivation to keep you going. Get excited about your progress and let it move you forward towards success!

Share Your Goals

Talking about your goals is a wonderful way to hold yourself accountable. Share it with your friends and family and who knows maybe they’ll even join in on creating their own. But regardless of whether they’re looking to start their own journey, having their support, and hearing their words of encouragement can be a great reminder of why you started in the first place.

Don’t Give Up

Everyone experiences little bumps in the road – including myself. Whether you missed a workout or had an extra slice of pie, that’s okay, and remember that tomorrow is a new day. What has happened in the past doesn’t mean you can’t restart. I know it’s not easy, but you know what – you’re stronger than you think. Sleep it off and get back up again!

Let’s be real, starting new habits while dealing with the hustle and bustle of wedding planning can be a challenge but not impossible! With a little bit of reflection, hard work, and self-kindness you can start building habits long before it’s time to start making New Year’s resolutions!

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



Achieve your body goals with one or all of these free bride training and wedding fitness resources