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4 Tips to Lose the Baby Weight After Pregnancy

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My ultimate goal is for you to feel stronger, more empowered, and confident during your wedding fitness and nutrition journey—and beyond.

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Pregnancy is an incredible experience for many women. However, it does take quite a toll on the bodies. I mean, I couldn’t see how it wouldn’t, considering you just grew an ENTIRE human! Once you have reached the post-partum stage, you may wonder how to lose the baby weight and return to feeling like yourself. 

I have compiled a list of my top 4 ways to lose baby weight. These tips will leave you feeling even stronger and healthier than you did in your pre-pregnancy body! 

Incorporate Strength Training into Your Routine 

Strength training has a mountain of benefits. Adding a few strength training exercises to your fitness routine can help you achieve amazing results in losing baby weight and even prepare your body for round two (if you choose to have another little one down the road). 

Once recovered enough, you can begin adding exercises like 

  • Weighted squats 
  • Lunges
  • Planks
  • Standard push-up/pike push-ups
  • Rows 
  • Bicep curls

Focusing on strengthening your lower half will help repair the muscles you used while giving birth. But you should also focus on your upper half (back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps) because you want to keep a healthy muscle balance throughout your body. 

Did you know that the more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn at maintenance? 

Take Walks with Your Baby 

If you do not feel healed enough to incorporate strength training into your routine, that’s okay! Because cardio will also be your best friend when losing post-partum weight. With the added weight of a stroller and a baby, you can expect a pleasant stroll to burn more calories than usual. 

If you are REALLY feeling up for the challenge, run at a steady pace while pushing the stroller. Remember, for every mile you run/walk, you will burn roughly 75-130 calories (depending on your weight, height, and individual metabolism, of course) 

Opt to Breastfeed When Possible 

For women able to breastfeed, opting to may help jumpstart your post-partum weight loss journey. Moms who breastfeed burn, on average, an extra 500 calories daily! Therefore breastfeeding can help with weight loss in new moms. 

Eating a healthy and balanced diet alongside breastfeeding can easily put you in a calorie deficit, meaning your weight should begin to fall off. Combine breastfeeding and a balanced diet with exercise, and you will feel like yourself again in no time! 

Sleep When Baby Sleeps 

I can not stress this enough. One of the most important things to do when trying to lose weight after a pregnancy is to SLEEP! If you aren’t rested, how do you plan on exercising and cooking healthy meals while also taking care of a newborn? 

Trying to fit in sleep when your baby is also napping can help you catch up on some shuteye and leave you with more energy to tackle the day. 

Take Away 

So, there you have it! 4 tips to help you lose that post-partum baby weight. But as a bonus tip, I want to tell you not to rush yourself into losing weight. Instead, try to remember the amazing human your body just created. It is necessary to take some time and let yourself heal before getting your body back to its pre-pregnancy weight. 

While your body is in the healing process, it may be easiest to begin your weight loss journey by developing healthy eating habits. Check out my previous blog on meal-prepping and how it can help you achieve your fitness goals! 

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About Steph

I specialize in helping brides feel confident in themselves by offering premium wedding fitness and nutrition coaching programs so they can eliminate self-doubt and insecurity.



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